Monday, 18 March 2013

Packed Lunch and extra hour for Thursday

Dear All,

Please remember to bring a packed lunch on the performance Saturday.

Also - we are offering an additional hour's rehearsal for the Thursday group from 5pm this Thursday. It would be great if you all could make it.

Ben + Tanushka

Sunday, 10 March 2013

March Performance, Costumes, Times and News

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all well and feeling some relief in Spring being here at last!

Here is some information on the end of term show and dates for next term.

March 23rd will be the last date of this term and the show date.

Details for end of term show:

09.45                     Both morning and afternoon Saturday groups will meet at the Windmill Theatre for       group rehearsal
12.00                     Thursday group arrive for rehearsal
14.00                     Parents collect from The Windmill Theatre
18.00                     Thursday and Saturday students arrive at Windmill Theatre IN COSTUME
18.30                     Doors Open and Show Starts
19.30 (approx.) Show Ends

Gods and Goddesses – please create your own costume based upon your research.
All Others – Black T-Shirt / top and black leggings / jeans (we will advise if you need anything more nearer the time)

This term we have been working on the Ancient Greek Epic, Agamemnon. As always, this has been a two way process with the young actors bringing in their ideas and writing, combined with our direction. It’s been a great term with many discussions, games and focused rehearsals. This term’s show is very much a work in progress with extracted scenes from the story. Our aim is to be able to tell the whole story at the end of next term!

Tickets for the night are £2 for adults and £1 for children. These will go towards covering the costs of the night. Any surplus will go towards our charity fund.

 Summer Term - Saturdays
First Session of Term                                                  20th April
Half Term                                                                    25th May and  1st June
End of Term and Performance                                   6th July
Summer Term - Thursdays
First Session of Term                                                  25th April
Half Term                                                                    30th May 
Last Session of Term                                                  4th July
Performance                                                                6th July

Other News
We are extremely excited to announce that our brand new website is almost ready to launch. Tanushka’s brother has been working hard and we are delighted with the result.

Daisy and Dukes
Michelle from the agency, Daisy and Dukes has very kindly offered to come down and watch our amazing Windmill Young Actors strutting their stuff in rehearsal. She will be coming on one of the Saturdays in the summer term. Watch this space.

Afterschool Clubs
We are setting up more afterschool clubs next term. Check out the website for more details.

2nd Seniors Group
We are looking to start up another teenage group in Brighton on another week night once we find a suitable and affordable space.

We are looking forward to seeing you all on March 23rd. If you have any questions please get in touch.
All the best,

Tanushka and Ben