Dear All,
Welcome back to the best term of the lot - the summer term!
Thanks for all of your amazing feedback from last term. This term we will be continuing our journey into Greek mythology and expanding on the story of Agamemnon.
We begin again THIS SATURDAY APRIL 20th.
Over the next term we will be moving the majority of our correspondence to the 'news' section of the website. It's very very easy to sign up to and you'll receive all the updates.
Step 1) Go to
Step 2) Put your email into the box above 'subscribe' and then click 'subscribe'.
Step 3) You will receive an email to the address that you entered asking to confirm your subscription. Click on the link in that email to subscribe.
Step 4) Receive all our the latest news about our young actors, their performances and the odd casting.
Fees - please bring a cheque to the first session or alternatively pay via BACS
Fees are the same as last term - £100 full, £85 Blatch Student £80 Siblings (both) and £70 conc. (income support)
If you pay via BACS then please can you reference payment 'Sat' or 'Thu' with the name of the young actor and then drop Ben an to confirm.
And finally:-
Thanks to all those who have already sent your script excerpts from the show. If you haven't yet sent them, please do this week as we will be putting the script together very soon.
Very much looking forward to catching up on Saturday.
Best Wishes,
Ben + Tanushka