Dear Parent/Carer,
Re: Family
Festival at Brighton Dome Concert Hall on 13th July
I am delighted to inform you that your
child has been selected to take part in a Performing Arts Project for this
year’s Family Festival, an annual performing arts showcase which is organised by Blatchington Mill School. The
event features a fantastic range of performances from schools and
community groups across Brighton & Hove. More information about the event
is available from
In order to prepare for the performance your child will be expected to attend a
dress rehearsal at Brighton Dome on 13th July from __TBC______ to
Arrival time: please
arrive no later than 6pm on 13th July outside the Stage Door
of Brighton Dome (in Pavilion Gardens). Your child will need to sign in with
their teacher/ group leader. Please ensure your child arrives promptly.
Audience: The doors will
open to audience at 6.30pm, and the show will start at 7.15pm and finish by
9.30pm. Although there will be an interval, the event organisers have
emphasised the importance of audience members remaining until the end of the event
to support all performers, so please do not leave with your child during the
interval. Please also note that no food is allowed in the auditorium.
At the end of the event, all of the performers will remain seated. Parents may
collect their children from the seated performer’s area (at the back of the
stalls) once all audience members have cleared the auditorium. You will need to
sign out with your child’s group leader before leaving.
Exhibition: There will be an
exhibition of the young people’s work in the Founder’s Room by the Foyer.
& Photography:
As the event will be photographed, please be aware that a condition of allowing
your child to take part is that you give your permission for him/ her to be
photographed and filmed for publicity purposes.
prices: Individuals:
£8.00/ £5.00 concessions/ Family ticket: £22.50
Tickets available from: Dome Box Office, 29
New Road, Brighton Tel: 01273 709709.
you would like your child to take part, please complete the attached reply slip
and return it asap.
Best wishes,
Child’s Name : …………………………………………………….…….Class
: …………………
Please tick:
agree to my son/daughter taking part in the Family Festival on 13th
will ensure that they arrive and are collected at the correct times
agree to my son/daughter being out of school for the Dress Rehearsals on 13th
the event of an emergency, I agree to urgent medical attention being given
Does your child have any medical conditions
requiring treatment, including medication? YES
/ NO
If YES, please give details:
My emergency contact number is:
I include a voluntary contribution of ___
towards the costs for coach travel to and from the dress rehearsals.
I understand that by allowing my child to take part in
the Family Festival, I am allowing
him/ her to be
photographed and filmed for publicity purposes
Signed : …………………………………………………..…………………. Date
: ………………..
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