Thursday, 15 November 2012

December 1st Performance and Rehearsals and Next Term


Dear Windmill Young Actors and Parents,

We have had another wonderful term at Windmill Young Actors with thrills and surprises always around the corner. It’s been great to welcome new students who have managed to fit in so quickly and brought new dynamics and energy to each group. Thank you very much to those who have brought their friends along as well.

This term we have encouraged the young actors to make more of their own work and they have come up with some really fascinating stuff. So rather than one big show, this term’s performance will be a series of self-contained vignettes. We will have performances from the two Saturday groups, the Thursday evening senior group and the West Blatchington WYA group.

Details below:

Rehearsals in the Windmill Theatre -  Blatchington Mill School
Date:                                                  Saturday December 1st
Saturday Morning Group:                09.40 - 11.45
Saturday Afternoon Group:             11.50 - 14.00
Thursday Evening Group:               16.00 - 19.00
ALL WYACTORS:                           19.00

Performance: ‘Seasons’
Date:                                                   Saturday December 1st
Doors Open:                                    19.15
Show Starts:                                    19.30
Show Ends:                                      20.45 (approx.)

Suggested Donation:                       £2 for adults £1 for children

Wine and soft drinks will be available for suggested donations too. Any profits made on these will contribute to assisted places for children who cannot afford the fees for Windmill Young Actors.

For those of you who don’t know, Ben and I took on the running of Windmill Young Actors after Blatchington Mill lost all of its funding for community arts programmes.

We are committed to keeping the fees in the same bracket as when this was funded, however we have had to increase the fees slightly since September in order to cover our costs. So far we have kept the old fees for returning students. Please note, if you use the pre-booking discount for next term then there is very little or no difference in the fees from before.

From now the fees are as follows for all students:

Full Price:                                                                £100
Concession (low income/income support):         £70
Siblings:                                                                  £80
Blatchington Mill Students:                                    £85
Assisted Place:                                                      Contribution towards the concession

Pay before December 22nd 2012                         10% off
Recommend a Friend                                             10% off
(If you pay early and have recommended a friend who has joined then there is a 20% discount)

We are committed to making sure that everyone who wants to join Windmill Young Actors can. If this increase proves difficult or your situation changes then please contact us and we’ll see what we can do. Similarly, if you know someone who wants to come, but cannot afford the fees, please ask them to contact us directly.

Next term we plan to start working on a show which will be created over two terms culminating in a big performance in the Summer. This will involve all the Windmill Young Actor groups. We are also considering being part of the Brighton May Festival.

Here are the dates for next term:

Spring Term 2013

Thursdays Start Date:                      10th January
Saturdays Start Date:                      12th January
Thursdays Half Term:                       21st February
Saturdays Half Term:                       23rd February (please note that we are only missing one Saturday for half term this time)
Thursdays Term Ends:                     21st March
Saturdays Term Ends:                     23rd March
Performance Date:                          23rd March

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and entrusting us with your wonderfully talented and creative children. It really is always a pleasure and honour to work with them.

All the best,
Ben and Tanushka

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