Monday, 21 November 2011

Saturday 12th November Of The Legacy of Fingerless Gloves

Jane Lesley was once again helping out this week as Tanushka was away directing a show in London.

Last term I wrote a script for Acting Club entitled 'What's News'. We performed this twice, once at the Brighton Dome Family Festival and once in The Windmill Theatre at Blatchington. It was fascinating and moving to see the group pull together, supporting each other and playing every role, ensemble or principle, as understudy or lead, with the greatest of commitment and skill.

It was time to approach the challenge once more.

As discussed in earlier posts we have done quite a bit of work on discovering the world of an age old 'ship' - looking at characters, scenarios and character 'types'. It made sense to keep to this theme and so I have written a piece exploring the life of those on a ship in a future devoid of hope. Fun times!

It is 2112. Natural resources are running out. America has gone black due to increased and consistent attacks by terrorist organisations. India and Russia have been selling their resources at higher and higher prices. The economy has fallen apart and all sense of hope for the world seems lost. All trust and respect has vanished for the 'adult' government and young people are taking over. We join the story with the announcement that India and Russia are closing their borders and will no longer provide countries like the UK with the resources that they need. A BBC reporter announces that the UK is finally going black and that what little remaining hope is left purely in the hands of the young.

I'm still working on how to make this whole world seem more of a possibility but my idea is that this term we begin to build a sense of this dystopian future that centres on the people and the relationships.

Pirates fight for every last scrap of natural resource. Captain Jeremiah Falcon III leads one of the fastest and most powerful ships on the high sea. But something is coming. A ship of black oily sails has been sighted and is casting fear into the hearts of all. Slaves cry at the whip of their Captain and power grapples for his soul. What will it take to change his heart and help him unite all in one final struggle for humanity?

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