Monday, 28 November 2011



Enjoy singing, acting, drumming or rock music? Then read below to find out how to sign up for a FREE taster session!

A fun and friendly adults’ community choir which is open to all: beginners welcome! A great way to learn modern and traditional songs from around the world, vocal techniques and warm-ups, directed by Siggi Mwasote and Cicely Taylor, plus visits from guest tutors. Over the year, choir members are offered the chance to perform in the Windmill Theatre, Brighton Dome & more! Participants say: “It’s all been fabulous! Have learnt some new songs & met some lovely people”
Time: Mondays 4.30pm – 5.45pm

Venue: Blatchington Mill School Drama Studio C1

Term dates: 09/01/12 – 26/03/12 (no sessions during Half Term)

Fee: First session FREE, thereafter £40.00 or £25.00 concessions per term *

Directions to Room C1: Use the Nevill Avenue entrance to the school. You can park in the first car park you come to, then walk up the ramp through the double red doors into the entrance to the Performing Arts block. For Room C1, go immediately right through a set of double doors and C1 is first on your left.
*NB If preferred, you may pay for your course in instalments by sending a number of post-dated cheques for the term.

A fantastically fun children’s choir! Come and sing along to your favourite songs with our friendly tutors Gemma Routledge and Sarah Gardner. Over the year, choir members get the chance to perform in the Windmill Theatre, Brighton Dome, and more Past performances include performing at the ‘Choir of the Year’ finals at the Royal Festival Hall. The choir runs at the same time as the adults’ choir, Big Mouth, so parents and carers can take part too, if they wish. Participants say: “Little Mouth is the best choir I’ve ever been to!”
Minimum age: 7 years
Time: Mondays 4.30pm – 5.45pm
Venue: Blatchington Mill School Music Room C17
Term dates: 09/01/12 – 26/03/12 (no sessions during Half Term)

Fee: First session FREE, thereafter £40.00 or £25.00 concessions per term *

Directions to Room C17: Use the Nevill Avenue entrance to the school. You can park in the first car park you come to, then walk up the ramp through the double red doors into the entrance to the Performing Arts block. For Room C17, go immediately up the stairs on the left, then turn left, got through a set of double doors and C17 is on your right.
*NB If preferred, you may pay for your course in instalments by sending a number of post-dated cheques for the term.

A fantastic opportunity to join a Steel band, playing traditional Caribbean drums with Helen Longton-Howarth from ‘Sounds of Steel’. Learning traditional melodies and modern pop songs, the group will perform at events in the Windmill Theatre, Brighton Dome and more! Participants say: “I’m really enjoying it! I love the music, I’m making new friends and it’s exciting”
Minimum age: 7 years
Time: Wednesdays 5.00pm – 6.00pm
Venue: Somerhill Junior School, Somerhill Road, Hove BN3 1RP
Term dates: 11/01/12 – 28/03/12 (no sessions during Half Term)

Fee: First session FREE, thereafter £40.00 or £25.00 concessions per term *

Directions: Link to map of Somerhill School:

*NB If preferred, you may pay for your course in instalments by sending a number of post-dated cheques for the term.


Discover Drama in a fun and exciting way at the Blatchington Mill School Saturday Acting Club ‘Windmill Young Actors’. Discover the world of creative drama with performing arts professionals Tanushka Marah and Ben Murray-Watson to discover different characters from a range of plays, working with costume, mime and mask. Explore techniques of improvisation, physical theatre, stage fighting and clowning, working together to develop a piece to perform at the end of term. Previous performances have been at The Windmill Theatre, Brighton Dome and as part of Brighton Festival. Participants say: “It is phenomenal!”

Minimum age: 7 years

Day: Saturdays

Timeslots: 9.45am – 11.45am OR 12.00pm – 2.00pm

Venue: Blatchington Mill School Dance Studio M32

Term dates: 07/01/12 – 24/03/12 (no sessions either side of Half Term)
Fee: First session FREE, thereafter £90.00 or £60.00 concessions per term *

Directions: From the Nevill Avenue entrance, you can park in the first car park you come to, then walk up the ramp through the double red doors into the entrance to the Performing Arts block. Walk across the Foyer, and go outside via the white sliding doors. Look diagonally to your left and the Dance Studio M32 is the first brick building on the left, next to two green teaching huts.

*NB If preferred, you may pay for your course in instalments by sending a number of post-dated cheques for the term.

Band sessions designed for young people who already have experience of playing an instrument: singers welcome! Learn to play in a band, develop musicianship, record a demo CD, and work towards live performances. The sessions are run in conjunction with the ‘Teenspirit’ project. Participants say: “Fun and exciting!”… “I’ve enjoyed learning to play in a band”
Minimum age: 9 years

Venue: Music Department at Blatchington Mill School

Time slots: Wednesdays 4.00pm – 5.00pm; 5.00pm – 6.00pm OR 6.00pm – 7.00pm and Saturdays 9.00am – 10.00am; 10.15am – 11.15am OR 11.30am – 12.30pm and

Term dates: (no sessions either side of Half Term)
Fee: First session FREE, thereafter £90.00 or £60.00 concessions per term *

Directions to BMS Music Department: Use the Nevill Avenue entrance to the school. You can park in the first car park you come to, then walk up the ramp through the double red doors into the entrance to the Performing Arts block. For C15 go up the stairs on the left, then turn right. For the Music Basement go down the stairs to your left.

*NB If preferred, you may pay for your course in instalments by sending a number of post-dated cheques for the term.

For an application form, more information, or to sign up for a FREE taster session please contact:

Cicely Taylor, Community Arts, Blatchington Mill School, Nevill Ave, Hove, BN3 7BW

T: 01273 221229 ~ M: 07970 212933 ~ E:

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