Thursday, 1 March 2012

Dear Parents - Please Read

Dear Parents,

As I’m sure that you’ve seen on the blog this term has already been hugely inspiring and productive.

If, for any reason, you haven’t signed up to follow the blog then I’d really recommend that you do as it details all of the essential information along with work from the students and performance times and dates.

On the performance front, we are now extremely excited to confirm two performance dates:-

Date: March 24th
Location: Windmill Theatre
Arrival for registration: 18.15
Doors Open: 18.30
Event: 19.00 – 21.30
Costume: Please make sure that you have the basics of an all black costume – this is a standard performance ask and worth the investment.

Tech/Dress rehearsals will be at the usual times on 24th March. 09.45 – 11.45 and 12.00 – 14.00 in THE WINDMILL THEATRE. There will be two 5 minute performances, one from each group, and will be tasters for the summer WYA show.

Date: 13th July
Location: Brighton Dome
This is part of the Family Festival.

We are also planning a Windmill Young Actors only evening where we will perform the full scale production of ‘The Legacy of Fingerless Gloves’ along with a showcase of monologues and duologues. The plan is to invite a number of industry professionals. This will be in the summer term.

A reminder – please can you make it clear in writing if your child makes their own way home after each Saturday. Also, if you are not receiving emails and updates about WYA then please email Cicely – – to confirm that you’ve filled in the application form and that we have your details. Alongside this, please do follow the blog.

Thanks everyone. Exciting times ahead!

Best Wishes,

Ben and Tanushka.

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