Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Summer Term - Windmill Young Actors - Special Offer

Dear All,

This offer only affects those who pay the full £90 per term and not the concession rate of £60.

If you book for next term before the end of this term then you'll receive a whopping £15 off. If you book this week before the end of Friday 30th March then it'll cost you £75 for the term and not £90.

So contact Cicely today on ctaylor@blatchingtonmill.org.uk and book your place.

The Summer Term

As you will have guessed, 'The Legacy of Fingerless Gloves' is still very much a piece in development. It's great to get any feedback on it so please do let me know. The plan is to continue to develop it next term into a 30 - 40 minute piece. It will be performed at our NEW SHOWCASE event that we're hoping to have at The Windmill Theatre in June or July. The first half of the showcase will be a performance of the script. The second half will be scenes and monologues from our young actors. I will be inviting INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS, including agents, as I believe that there is some fantastic talent in this group that deserves to be seen on a wider scale.

We also have our annual SUMMER FESTIVAL at THE BRIGHTON DOME. I'm not sure what we'll be doing for this but there's usually a theme of some kind that we need to follow.


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